Holiday: Passive Income Commissions 1Bit late on the New Year wishes, but no less sincerely meant for you. I'm feeling particularly mellow this year because of the Passive Income Commissions that came in while I had time with my family.

For the first time in seven years, my elder son and his partner were with me for a few days over the holiday. His tourism business in Spain fell victim to COVID-19 and then to add insult to injury he had difficulty getting back to the UK. I'd feared he'd find it hard to settle down here to being employed again, but within a few weeks he'd found himself a job, was working and earning enough to have an offer accepted on a small house near his new work.

And today he's on a training course to become better qualified in his new work and take him a step beyond everyone else.

He didn't just “Make a Wish” – “He Made it Happen”.

Will you do the same in 2022?

Passive Income Commissions

2021 was a dreadful year for me personally with the death of my Dad, and a pretty much inactive year in online business – because I had so much extra work to do in my offline business and on Dad's Probate.

Yet throughout 2021 I was encouraged to see small passive income commissions coming in from work I had done in 2019 and 2020 and – (it has to be admitted) in previous years.

There's disagreement about whether you should focus on one ‘work from home' business, or spread your risk more thinly. Having been caught on the hop when the 5-year old business I had focussed on went belly-up, I'm firmly in the camp of spreading my risk with a few income streams.

Happily they feed into each other to some extent – the Internet Marketing training finds me prospects who may be interested in my other businesses.

Get Rich Quick – The Myth

Building ANY business – online or offline – isn't an instant fix. No matter what the online snake-oil merchants tell you, it takes time and patience to build a sustainable business.

My other son is about to spend several thousands of pounds buying a new business. Do you think he'll pay his money over and then expect an instant income stream with no further work? It just doesn't happen like that. He'll have to do some WORK to maintain that income stream and hopefully even increase it.

Why on earth would online business be any different?

Make Money Free – The Myth

Another online myth is that you can buy some magic software, click a few buttons and the dollars will roll in with no further effort on your part. Yeah right – if I knew about that, do you think I'd still be here producing blog articles?

The free training course I mention below comes closest to that, because there IS actually a completely free way through it that lets you start earning money. But the amount of work you have to put in will increase substantially. You ‘pay' to build your business with either time or money. Your choice.

Spend a little money and your results will come in faster.

Profit isn't a dirty word – it's what we live in. But if no-one makes any sales, no-one can make a profit. Business 101.

Yet no-one wants to do any selling. I get that – neither do I. So the common feature of all my businesses is that someone else does the selling for me.

Multiple Streams of Income

As a result of work done in previous months and years, I received passive income commissions from all these online businesses during the holiday period.

In most cases the passive income commissions come from repeat subscription sales that the ‘team' made on my behalf. So – I bought one of the Internet Marketing Training monthly ‘time saver' services and have been so delighted with the results that I've renewed it. When people I have introduced to the training see the results from this service, hopefully they too will renew.

business in a boxInternet Marketing Trainingclick here. You will learn how to do Internet Marketing the right way. No BS here, you will need to put in some work and – if you can – a few dollars.

Those who apply either work or a little money will see results, but it's surprising how many people ask for info and never even ‘open the box', let alone start work on their new business.

I have tracking software inside my back-office and can see exactly where people are in their supposed online journey to wealth. Depressingly often, the box remains completely unopened.

We have a whole community of people ready to help each other. But usually the answer to questions is: Start the training!

Having seen passive income commissions dribble in over the last few months when I was inactive, I was inspired to re-do the training, and found that the back office had improved in leaps and bounds, with the really challenging, technical stuff ‘done-for-you'.

If you're looking for a business in a box, click here (but only if you'll use the tools inside it).

Holiday: Passive Income Commissions 2Team Building Clubclick here. So many people would like a successful network marketing business – but they can't recruit. I know what it's like, I had network marketing business with 20,000+ in my down-line – but I'll freely admit that most of them were as a result of one guy I was lucky enough to have introduced who really ‘went for it'.

Team Build Club is building a huge down-line for us (25,080 have now registered after me) and then offering ‘Project 1', a low-cost business we can join, and – with luck – be in profit from the down-line the club built. There's the option to recruit and earn commissions on the back of that promise, and I have earned (and safely withdrawn) a small amount so far – but the attraction for me was the passive income when Project 1 launches, which will be early Feb 2022. Members can lock in their position as more team members are recruited for you.

There are weekly training webinars where people can ask questions. Again, the questions are usually so basic that I can answer them, and the answer is 99.9% of the time: “It's answered in the training videos on the site.”

Who are these people who think they should ignore the training videos and take up the time of everyone else on the webinar who had the common sense (and courtesy) to watch the videos before making an idiot of themselves asking the most basic of questions?

As a member you can import your downline into your autoresponder to contact about any other business you have. When I did this I enjoyed the best open rates I have experienced from any traffic source new to my list!

To register for a free account and learn more from the videos click here.


Angel Investing for Retirement IncomeShare Club – I have been earning a passive income from members I introduced to my share club for over three years now. Month after month. People love the club and stay; so I earn a small commission for every month they stay a member (it's a single level affiliate plan for those who like to know these things).

So what is it?

To me, it's an alternative (speculative) savings plan. I invest small sums, each month, in a wide range of profitable start-up companies that usually only the wealthy could have access to.

For a subscription of under £100 per month we are allocated shares in three or four companies. A few are already listed on stock exchanges, some waiting for IPO, one has products that are a best-seller on Amazon, another has products selling well in large UK DIY chains. The wine-club thrived in the pandemic, but the theme-park-based business, which looked so promising in 2019, took a big hit in 2020 and 2021, although we hope it will recover as entertainments re-open.

The club is available in most countries in the world; you can pay in GBP, USD and EU; you can pause your subscription if you need to. Recruiting is completely optional.

To learn more, and have the chance of winning free shares, click here.

This is NOT investment advice and we all know that the value of shares can go down as well as up! It's just a long-term strategy of mine; better than leaving spare cash languishing in the banks. 

Not Yet Proven – But Looking Promising

Passive Income OpportunityFor a couple of months I have been watching, as an upgraded member, a health based business with a passive earning option. It's not yet as automated as I like my businesses to be but it was introduced to me by someone I respect as something to join early, because there's a lot of development going on behind the scenes.

Click here to learn about the company's health mission.

You can watch a short video here

If you'd like to ask questions of other members I'll be happy to invite you into my sponsor's Facebook group. He's experienced, helpful and supportive and prepares lots of marketing materials. Shortly he is going to be running a team building co-op for upgraded members. For an invitation, just contact me stating that you'd like to look round our HNL group.

Passive Income Commissions – In Conclusion

So my overall strategy is using the free Internet Marketing Training and the Team Build Club (both commission earners in their own right) to build my mailing list and introduce subscribers to businesses that are paying me passive income commissions.

I reject far more of the strategies and businesses I test, than those I write about. So you can be sure that these are as honest as I can be aware of.

The first 3 above actually brought me in commissions over the 2021/2022 holiday period when I was enjoying family time.

Happy New Year – and may this be the year you ‘Make It Happen' for your passive income commissions strategy!